Maria Luísa Cardoso 15 de Julho, 1930 - 30 de Outubro, 2021

Idade: 91 Anos

Residente: Feteira – Cela
Funeral: 1 de novembro (segunda-feira) pelas 16:00 horas Celebração das Exéquias, no Cemitério de Alcobaça

Esposa de José Gaspar Trindade

Mãe da Enfermeira Maria Lina Cardoso Trindade e de José Joaquim Cardoso Trindade (Funcionário da Câmara Municipal de Alcobaça)


  1. unadbagma escreveu

    The strength of God Venerable has been improved again priligy dosage She still eats but with labored breathing while trying to eat like maybe it s gone into her lungs n drinks n just not herself n been coming up into my bed at night which she never has done she has lost a lot of her fur n sleeps on n off with her eyes open a lot n just the blood in her stool makes me very nervous I also just noticed on my blanket that there is also a spot of blood on it from her, I think I will wait a couple of days to see if that goes away n if it doesn t or gets worse then there is more going on inside of her than I know n thank you for getting back to me

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