Idade: 91 Anos
Residente: Feteira – Cela
Funeral: 1 de novembro (segunda-feira) pelas 16:00 horas Celebração das Exéquias, no Cemitério de Alcobaça
Esposa de José Gaspar Trindade
Mãe da Enfermeira Maria Lina Cardoso Trindade e de José Joaquim Cardoso Trindade (Funcionário da Câmara Municipal de Alcobaça)
unadbagma escreveu
25 de Agosto, 2024 at 13:54The strength of God Venerable has been improved again priligy dosage She still eats but with labored breathing while trying to eat like maybe it s gone into her lungs n drinks n just not herself n been coming up into my bed at night which she never has done she has lost a lot of her fur n sleeps on n off with her eyes open a lot n just the blood in her stool makes me very nervous I also just noticed on my blanket that there is also a spot of blood on it from her, I think I will wait a couple of days to see if that goes away n if it doesn t or gets worse then there is more going on inside of her than I know n thank you for getting back to me