Elvira Teresa dos Santos 21 de Novembro, 1933 - 11 de Janeiro, 2021

Idade: 87 Anos
Residente:  Casal da Amada – Évora de Alcobaça
Funeral: 12 de janeiro (Terça-feira) pelas 15:00 horas, no Cemitério de Évora de Alcobaça.
Viúva de Manuel Francisco Júnior
Mãe de Luís Francisco Morgado e de António Francisco dos Santos


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  2. Illenry escreveu

    Priligy The study also reveals that most of the formulated medicines are for management of non communicable disease

  3. Illenry escreveu

    At the same time, the thickness of the substrate is only the same as that of the past paxil or priligy Student s t test paired or unpaired to determine statistical significance p

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